If you’re like a large majority of men, then you probably have memories of your Dad, but they’re likely fewer and further between than your memories of your own Mom.
Our father’s generation was more concerned with ensuring that they provided properly for their wife and kids, and things like actually raising and caring for the family were looked at as their wife’s job, or maybe he even thought it was pointless since he had even less of a relationship with his own father.
These types of examples, passed down generation after generation has made it difficult for many men today to understand, what is my role in the family unit? Why isn’t my paycheck and financial support enough to make my wife happy, as it did for our mother’s generation? Why am I being told that I am not doing enough when I feel like all I do is for the family?
We are not our parents’ generation. Men nowadays WANT to be more involved in their family, and many have made that transition. But it’s made more difficult if you have never had a positive male influence in your life. How do I grow happy, healthy, thriving children when I don’t know how to do that for myself?
If you are anything like I was, parenthood hit you fast and hard. You felt ready but were caught off-guard by the level of stress and difficulty it suddenly brought into your life. You went from having a loving wife and partner to having a co-parent that seems to always be disappointed in you.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because it happens every day to new Dads, and only gets worse if you make the jump from one to multiple children. Moms tend to take the reins and Dads are generally more than happy to let them take a greater role. However, this used to be a full-time job for women, and now many families are dual-income in order to afford the children they have!
How do we raise successful children when there is greater competition than ever? How do we know if we are doing a good job as parents? How do I know if I am messing my kid up even worse by doing XYZ????
I’d love to share with you a few of the core tips that are going to make your family life bulletproof. When you begin taking ownership over yourself and your children’s lives, you will see your relationship with your wife improve. You will see your relationship with your kids improve. You will see your own life improve, and it all starts with taking ownership of the things you can improve.
Follow me and let’s explore what makes being a Dad great, and how we can encourage other men to open up about the issues they are facing. I want this to be a very Father specific conversation because I think this is an area where men really need the space and encouragement to step up and open up about their views on Parenthood.
If you’ve spent any time online reading about parenting, I think you will quickly notice that most blogs and outreach are focused on Moms and the struggles they deal with. I want this to be an area where Dads can learn and exchange their own ideas and formulate the words and explanations they need to properly advocate for themselves as fathers.
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