
About Me

Mentoring your parenting approach!

Being in the business of mentoring and understanding child psychology for a decade now, we understand how parenting is. Parenting can be quite tricky for young parents. Just like every mind is different, every child is different as well. However, we have the key to some basic tips to understand and hear your child better.

To make the world a better place and emphasize the fact that children are the future, we provide services that help parents become better and more open parents. We believe that you are as new to the world as your child and you both need some guidance to move forward.

Kevin Nii

CEO Thriving Kids Bay Area

Take a step towards the future with us

Over the last 10 years, we have specialized in child psychology and parent counseling. Being in the business for the past decade has taught us the art of talking and understanding. Now, we want to share that art with parents who have a hard time parenting. We understand that things can be as confusing to parents as it is to children. Hence, we act as a bridge between them to reduce the distance of comprehension. We do not tell you the destination, we help you take the right journey.

Similarly, for children with psychological issues that include anxiety, trauma, and even social or peer development, we help them and become their voice. Not all children are expressive or even they may not know what they are feeling. We as an expert in child psychology decipher aspects of their mind and help them learn to detangle their thoughts.

A step towards a better life for your child!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do Thrive Kids do?

    Thriving Kids aims to bring the best out in children. Our priority is parent counseling. We educate parents on how they can become better problem-solvers for their children and how to understand them better. However, for children that need professional attention, we deal with child psychology as well.

  • What kind of problem do you solve?

    We do not solve problems or find solutions. We help you through the journey and counsel you into understanding what approaches you should have to problems. We furthermore help you understand your and your child’s emotions when facing daily life challenges and help you through them.

  • How does the process work?

    The process is very simple. Begin with contacting us and telling us what program you want and for what reason you need our help. Select your program with our counseling and meet with us. We can take the program forward as per the expertise and the requirement of the situation.

  • How long are your programs?

    Our programs vary in timings from person to person. It depends on your needs, how you progress, and how far do you get value. It is also up to you to stick around for as long as you want.

  • What are your qualifications?

    Thrive kids has a team of professionals each of them excels in their fields. We have counselors with over a decade of experience. Each of them helps with your familial needs as a parent or even for your child.

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